Vanessa Anne Hudgens Biogrfija
Vanessa Anne Hudgens december 14-n szletett, a Californiai Salinkban, 1988-ban. Nemzetisgei: flp-szigeteki, knai, s latinamerikai, r s indiai. Vanessa bszke a szleire, szrmazsra. Vanessa nagyszlei egy kzs bandban zenltek, gy nem ktelkedhetnk hogy Vanessa mr kicsi korban beleszeretett a zenbe,s az neklsbe. A karriere egy sznhzban indult, 8 ves korban. Rengeteg sznhzi szerepet kapott, melyekben nagyon jl szerepelt, gy pldul a Carouselben, az z a nagy varzslban, az Oroszlnkirlyban, a The Music Manben, a Hamupipkben, s Damn Yankess-ben, s kisebb mellkszerepet kapott az Evitban. Kezdsnek Vanessa alrt egy reklmszerzdst, melyet egyik bartja helyett kapott meg. Ahogy a Hudgens csald sarjaknt egyre hresebb lett, az egsz csald kltzkdtt, prat emltve: San Diego-ba, Orange Country-ba s Los Angeles-be. 2003-ban Vanessa elrte, hogy szerepeljen a Tizenhromban, melyben egyben debtlt is. Ksbb fszerepet kapott a Viharmadarakban, 2004-ben. Ezutn tbb sorozatban is szerepelt, mint pldul a 'The Suite Life Of Zac and Cody'-ban. A leghresebb projektje a High School Musical,2006-ban, melyben fszerepet kapott, tncolnia s nekelnie is kellett. Ez a film berobbantotta Vanesst Amerika hressgei kz. Ekzben a HSM vilghr lett, s megkapta az jjszletett Grease cmet, mely nagyon megtisztel szmra. A film els adst tbb, mint 8 millian lttk csak Amerikban, a tbbi orszgban is kzel 5-7 millian kvettk figyelemmel a debtlst. A HSM Soundtrack az els hetekben elrte az els helyet, majd tbb htig tartotta azt. Az albumon szerepl szmok a mai fiatalok kedvencei kz tartozik, melyek dalszvegeit mindenki kvlrl fjja. Ezt kveten 2006. mjus 23-n megjelent az USA-ban a HSM DVD, melybl az els napon 400.000-ret adtak el, s ez beindtotta a 6 fszerepl keresett. A HSM tbb nagyon hres djat elnyert, miutn tbb orszgban klnfle nyelveken is megjelent a DVD. gy pl a 2006-os Teen Choice Awards-on is djat kapott, illetve egy Emmy djat is. A HSM sikervel Vanessa tbb ajnlatot is kapott lemezcgektl, de vgl a Hollywood Records-al kttte meg lete msodik fontosabb szerzdst, de taln ez volt a legfontosabb. Vanessa bemutatkoz albuma vgl a 'V' cmet kapta, mely 2006. szeptember 26-n jelent meg az USA-ban. Az els klip a CD-rl a 'Come Back To Me' volt, mely az els hten a harmadik lett a TRL toplistjn! Vilgszerte tbb tzmilli nz ltta a debtlsokat. Vanessa minden lma valra vlt, mindent elrt, amit egy ilyen fiatal s tehetsges, csinos lny elrhet. Semmi ktsg nem fr hozz: Vanessa hatalmas sztr lett. "neklek s tncolok, mindent beleadok. Szeretnm Hilary Duff-hoz hasonlan vgezni, szeretnk olyan sikeres lenni, mint ." - mondta Vanessa egy 2004-es interjban.
-Vanessa szerzttetett az egyik legnagyobb cipmrkval,az Ecko-val,s sajt reklmjaknt is kpviseli! -A HSM 2. rsze mr csak a rads volt,hogy Vanessa nevt az egsz vilgon ismerjk. najo,taln az szaki sarkot kivve,meg nhny titkos orszgot. :D
Szletsi nv: Vanessa Anne Hudgens Becenv: Nessa,Baby V,Van., Szletsi dtum: 1988. december 14. Hely: Kalifornia, Salinas
© vanessa-hungary
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Vanessa anne Hudgens She's Biography
Vanessa Anne Hudgens December was born on 14, in Californiai Salina, in 1988. His nationalities: Filipino, Chinese, and american, ointment and Indian. Vanessa is proud of his parents, onto his ancestry. Vanessa grandparents played music in a common gang, in this manner may not doubt that Vanessa fell in love with it in his small age already into the music,and into the singing. His carreer started in a theatre, in 8 of his year ages. A forest received a theatrical role, in which ones acted very well, in this manner for example Carouselben, it oz in the big magician, in the lion king, in The Music Man, in the Cinderella, and in Damn Yankess-,and in the Evita received a smaller underpart. Vanessa signed an advertisement contract, which he obtained instead of one of his friends, for a start. Hudgens a family's offspring increasingly more famous Latvian, the whole family was moving, mentioning some in: San Diego, Orange Country and Los Angeles. Vanessa got him to act in 2003 the in thirteen in which he debuted in one. Received a later leading role in the storm birds, in 2004. Figured in more series then, than for example The Suite Life Of Zac in the Cody. Her most famous project High School Musical,in 2006 in which he received a leading role, to dance and had to sing it. HSM was world-famous during this, and reborn Grease obtained it title, which is very honourific for him,. The first broadcast of the film more, than 8 million people saw it simply in America, nearly 5-7 million people followed the debut with close attention in the rest of the countries. HSM Soundtrack reached the first place in the first weeks, then more weeks kept it. On the album character numbers between the today's young persons' favourites owes, which ones everybody knows his lyrics by heart. Following this 2006. May HSM DVD appeared in USA on 23, from which one on the first day 400.000 they sold, and this started the earnings of the 6 main characters. HSM won more very famous prizes after the dvd appeared in more countries on various languages. In this manner on 2006 Teen Choice Awards too was awarded a prize, concerning an Emmy award. Vanessa received more offers with HSM success from disk firms, but finally Hollywood Records bound the second more important contract of his life, but was this possibly the most important. Vanessa album introducing himself finally V title last, which 2006 are,. a September appeared on 26 in USA. The first video clip from CD Come Back To was Me, which is the third Latvian on TRL top list on the first week,! Worldwide more ten million spectators saw the debuts. Vanessa all of his dreams change to truth, understands everything, that a young person like this and talented, a cutie may get away. Nothing a doubt does not get at it: Vanessa was a huge star. "I sing and I dance, I contribute everything to it. I would like it Hilary Duff-hoz similarly to make, I would like to be so successful, than she". - Vanessa said it in a 2004 interview.
birthday name: Vanessa Anne Hudgens Nickname: Nessa,Baby V,Vani, Birth date: 1988. December 14. Place: California, Salinas
© vanessa-hungary